John W. Royer
John W. Royer

John W. Royer


John W. Royer, over the last 30 plus years, has been involved in all aspects of real estate including brokerage, development, and counseling of numerous projects.  John has acted as a development consultant and developer for various clients in sale/lease back transactions.  He has been involved in the renovation, development, and investment in over $300 million dollars of real property.  Additionally, John has worked with client’s on-site acquisitions,  sales of real property, numerous leasing assignments of commercial property, bank owned real estate and some bank receiver work.  He has been active over the years serving on numerous boards.  John and his wife Stacey are the proud parents of three daughters Hannah, Libby and Sari.


Real Estate Broker State of Ohio
Real Estate Broker State of Kentucky
Franklin County Probate Court Real Estate Appraiser

Current Memberships

Columbus Board of Realtors

Counselors of Real Estate

Society of Industrial and Office Realtors, SIOR

Ohio Association of Realtors

National Association of Realtors – Building Advisory Group & Strategic Planning Committee

ULI Urban Land Institute Affiliate Member

International Counsel of Shopping Centers

Ohio Affordable Housing Trust Fund Advisory

Board of Directors Designations

First Merchants Bank Local Columbus Board

Governor Appointed to the Ohio Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board

Columbus Club Board