A century of growth, relationships and commitment to Central Ohio
Inception – Paul H. Kohr establishes his commercial real estate firm in Downtown Columbus Ohio Real Estate
Kohr, Monett & Shields RE Investments
Thomas P. Kohr joins his father in the family business

Richard L. Royer and James Hess join the firm
Kohr & Kohr Inc, Sons Ted and Tom Kohr take over the firm and rename it to Kohr & Kohr

50th Anniversary

Ted & Tom Kohr bring on James Hess as a partner to the firm
Richard L. Royer is brought on as a partner
The name is changed to Kohr & Royer, Inc.
Kohr Royer Griffith, Inc. Richard Royer, James Hess, Thomas P Kohr., Paul “Ted” Kohr, Michael Griffith joins as a partner, and grandson of the founder Michael Kohr joins the firm.
John W. Royer joins the firm

75th Anniversary

Steve Hess joins the firm

Paul W Bloomfield joins the firm.

Steve Hess, Mike Kohr and John Royer become partners in the firm
Relocated to current location at 1480 W Dublin Road

Paul Bloomfield becomes the 4th partner of the Firm
KRG celebrates its 100 year anniversary of serving the needs of the Central Ohio Real Estate community